This game is brutal, but it’s the most fun we’ve The gear you spent three hours acquiring, sloppy So, if your character dies, you lose all your weapons. Survive, you’ll need to scavenge for gear, food, and weapons in order toĪ realistic simulation. You takeĬontrol of a mercenary who needs to escape a violent and ravaged battlefield. Yet, the rewards for playing this game supersedes its criminally punishing difficulty.Ĭenters around incessant warfare in a fictional city called Tarkov. Hitting your head against the wall is probably less punishing than overcoming this brutal military tactical shooter. Dark Souls will seem like a walk in the park. The realistic elements of this hardcore FPS/RPG hybrid will test the soul of even the most esteemed online player. Escape From Tarkov is an intense, realistic first person shooter set in a fictional war-torn city near St.